How to see if you are pregnant? With using Qi Men Dun Jia to forecast the result.
In this chart, we are looking at these elements to determine. Heavenly Grain represent pregnant or mother. Hour stem represents baby. Gui water represent female egg.
Gui water is at the Xun palace (SE). Heavenly Grain is locate at the Zhen palace (E). SE and E palace are the same wood element. A sign that showing pregnant.
Bing together with Wu, and Bing is at the Zhen palace (E), together with Heavenly Grain. As Bing hour stem also represent baby here, and is with the Heavenly Grain. Another plus point to the pregnant sign. Also Six Harmony represent baby as well. Life Door is represent life.
Day stem is the mother, Yi locates at the Kan palace (N) which is water element. Hour stem Bing is at the Zhen palace (E) which is wood element. Water produce wood. Another pregnant sign.
How to know the gender of the baby? We can look at the Kun palace (SW) and the location of the Hour stem at Zhen palace (E). If the Yang elements are more than the Yin elements, then is baby boy. As such, Kun palace (SW) has Geng and Chief (符). Zhen palace (E) has Bing, Zhen Gua, Life Door, Heavenly Bird. All these are showing Yang elements. Thus is a baby boy.
Are you still keep looking the light from someone or elsewhere but closing your own heart door? Putting the hope on others instead of yourself? Built up layers of high walls and keep hiding, how to find ways to take down the walls?
At this April month, Jia Chen (Wood Dragon) from April 5th to May 4th, is a emotional challenges month. Jia Chen month (Wood Dragon) and Ren Yin year (Water Tiger), what will they bring to you?
If your Day Master is Jia or Yi wood, Dragon would be your Wealth energy. The wealth energy will start weakening. You will need to plan ahead to reduce financial problems or not to do quick decision for investment without proper research and advices. Get a financial advisor to do different strategies to minimise the financial risk and also know your spending patterns. This is also one of the way to let go of scarcity and limitation to abundance energy.
If your Day Master is Bing or Ding fire, Dragon will be your Output energy. When output energy is controlled by the Jia and Yin (Tiger) element, output get trapped and is hard to present. When you can’t present well, you will feel stressful. Or you run out of new ideas as there are hidden curtains blocking your view. You will need to do more meditation to able to calm yourself down or exercise to break free your output energy. Or you can join more social gatherings and from there you can get more new ideas how to get things done.
If your Day Master is Wu or Ji earth, Dragon will be your Companion energy. Companion is Friends or Rob Wealth structure. Companion energy is more towards self, siblings, friends or colleagues. If you get stuck in these relationship or questioning self, couldn’t find ways to break through, get advices from elderly or professionals will able to help you.
If your Day Master is Geng or Xin metal, Dragon will be your Resources energy. Your resources energy are weak, you will easily get stuck and less creativity. And this could make you physically or mentally weak. You will need someone to guide you and to lead you, so that you wouldn’t get lost easily. Also, meditation able to calm yourself down. Do more spiritual works or know yourself better as spiritual also a fire element.
If your Day Master is Ren or Gui water, Dragon will be your Officer energy. It could be work or business or legal issues that bring you pressure. Plan ahead and take some precaution steps to deal with different potential problems that might comes out. This is to avoid because of the mismanagement will bring the chaotic which will lead to emotional turbulence.
Photo by Athena Low at Springbrook National Park
Face your inner self, your anger, your frustration. Go to understand why you get irritate easily, whether that person is your reflection or you are the mirror of that person. Spend some time to yourself, your inner self, let yourself breath. Let it go the structure, the mindset, to allow the grace to enter.
May the light shines into your heart, your path, your clarity.
How would you choose when you are at the crossroads?
At the coming April month, there is Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pieces. It could be a big test for everyone, mentally and spirituality. For people who are ready, it could be an easier month for you to go through or enhance more of your current state. As for the people who are always running away to face their own inner heart or things you don’t want to face to, this month could be a challenging month for you.
As we step into San Yuan Period 9, Period 9 is the time for spirituality and enlightenment. There would be more and more people who discover their own spiritual path and their own inner path. Same applies to Age of Light as we also step into Age of Aquarius.
At this 2022, Ren Yin (Water Tiger) year, Ren is the Sea Water or Big River and Yin is the Tiger. Deep down there is a beast in your heart or something big is going to happen underneath. Even though the water may look calm on the surface that you wouldn’t know when is the sudden flood or tsunami. Water also relates to emotion. Get to know yourself better and go to find out what you really want at the current stage or in your life, this will be a homework for you this year. Be open and receptive, open your heart to feel it, receive the divine enters through water.
Recently, there is a Taiwanese TV series very famous, “No. 1 For You” and “Fighting Mr. 2nd” are Boy Love dramas. I really like their positive, loving energetic vibe that naturally generated between Yang Yuteng (楊宇騰 YU) and Lin Zihong (林子閎). There are the moments when one of them was laughing or happy, and another one started to feel uplifted as well. Do you ever touched by this pure love before? What I meant by pure love is without any complicated thoughts or conditional love upon desires for self. It is just the love, that’s all. The vibrations within soul and heart, instantaneous connection between two of them.
Picture taken from the book “Light Emerging”
I was thinking this picture of a couple in love’s auric field without any expectation desire. Very gentle and bright vibe.
Based on the observations of Qi Men Dun Jia charts in the past few days, it can be concluded that YU likes Zihong more in this relationship. YU relies on and trusts him a lot. And Zihong also has YU in his heart. YU is a feminine role in this relationship.
How about the relationship between Zihong and YU? We look at the location of Six Harmony Deity. YU has the heart for Zihong, but Zihong currently has a lot of inner worries, stress and too many concerns. Many people are curious if Zihong is still together with his current girlfriend. Yes, they are still together. But in the palace with his girlfriend, there are petite people, backstabbing, arguments, and conflicts. There is no growth in Zihong and his girlfriend relationship and also there are some blockages.
The Six Harmony (六合) is together with Death Door (死門) , the relationship between YU and Zihong still stay in the current state and no further progress.
If Zihong and YU start the love relationship together, they will go into a totally new next level. A true spiritual soulmate, harmonious relationship and their career will also become better.
It’s just that Zihong currently doesn’t want to officially start the relationship with YU yet. By July, Zihong will come out with a more detailed plan for the situation.
The American presidential election will be held on 3rd November 2020 which is tomorrow (in Australia time is 4th November 2020). Thinking to check who will be the winner in this election due to curiosity and also for fun. Today we have Melbourne Cup in Victoria, Australia, also a public holiday.
I wasn’t following much to the election news this time. There are two candidates for the presidential election who are Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
To start the Qi Men forecasting, normally will use the particular hour based on the question asked for the guideline. Qi Men chart plotted on 6pm, 3rd November 2020 as the reference point.
Donald Trump was born on 14th June 1946. The year he born is Bing Xu 丙戌 (Fire Dog). Bing is Yang fire.
As for Joe Biden, he was born on 20th November 1942. The year he born is Ren Wu 壬午 (Water Horse). Ren is Yang water.
To see the interaction and the outcome between both candidates, Yang Fire Bing (丙) and Yang Water Ren (壬) are the main clues in this forecasting.
Donald Trump
Bing is located in the South palace. His guardian deity is Moon. Moon (太陰) governs protection, wisdom, hidden nobleman help, anything that is hidden and secretive. He is using the hidden nobleman help in his election that public barely realise as this is behind the scene. There is a very good example he has the strong and powerful advisors team behind the scene. Earlier October, he was infected by COVID-19 but just 3 days he was admitted to hospital, he returned to the White House. This is one of the technique he used for his election campaign.
He has the Heavenly Official (天任) star together as well. Heavenly Official is the best resource star. This indicates he has many resources, talents and wealth helping him to achieve success.
Death Door (死門) showing his character is stubborn and bad temper. Also, there is stagnation and dormant energies.
Bing (丙) and Ding (丁) stems together in Forecasting matter, is the best formation. In Qi Men Dun Jia, the best stems to have is Yi, Bing and Ding. And he has Bing and Ding. Bing Rises 月昇 is very good formation in terms of nobleman help. Also Bing is representing him as well.
However, there is a DE (Death & Emptiness) in the South palace. DE may be sound scary but is only a term showing the energy of current palace is void. Even though all the good formation are void, as well as the Death Door, but he still can use his guardian deity Moon as deity never affected by the DE effect. The guardian deity Moon is quite powerful as it has 4 stars out of 7 stars. Despite the formation is so great in the South palace, he can only use the Moon deity.
He can use the South direction as the strategy. Such as getting nobleman help from South direction or to hire women who born at year 1966, 1976, 1986.
Joe Biden
In the Joe Biden’s North palace where the Ren resides, has very powerful level as it has 7 stars out of 7 stars. His guardian deity is Nine Earth (九地). Nine Earth is the mother of earth with stability, kindness and calmness. This deity also good at reaching people’s heart.
Heavenly Grain star (天芮) indicates there are problems or something is going on.
Life Door (生門) is the source of life, also mean he is smart and intelligent person. Life Door is one the best in the forecasting as it indicates everything comes to life.
But the stems are Ren (壬) and Gui (癸), the formation is not as great as Trump’s combination Bing and Ding.
Hour Stem & Day Stem
To get a better picture of this forecasting, Hour Pillar is the outcome. As the structure and formation in both palaces (Trump – South; Biden – North) are 50 50. Because some elements are good in South or North palaces. Now, let’s check the Northeast palace. Yi (乙) resides in the NE. Together with Bing (丙), which Bing is representing Trump. The outcome is more favour to Trump. As the NE (Earth) is countering N (Water), the outcome is not favour for Biden.
Even though Trump’s South palace is in the DE, but he can use the strategy from the NE (Earth) palace to produce the West (Metal) where the Chief (直符) resides. This is because Trump is countering West palace as he has to fight really hard to get the Chief. Thus he can use the strategy from NE to gain West.
Chief is representing the leadership and president. Yi is together in the palace which Yi is the Hour stem as well. Day stem Geng (庚) in West palace is producing Biden’s North palace. Thus the open opportunities and the top management people are favour to Biden. Also, NE is producing West, and West producing North (Biden).
Even though the Chief palace is in the internal palace, Trump able to get easier compared to Biden as Biden’s palace is in the external palace. However, as Trump’s palace is Death & Emptiness, he has less power to gain the Chief palace.
Even though the forecasting results for Trump and Biden is 50 50, but Biden has higher chance than Trump and Biden will be the new president.
Qi Men Dun Jia forecasting is a practical method for divination. In the Qi Men chart below is the forecast results for my customer. His Range Rover car was stolen on December 2019 and he wants to know which direction to look back for his car. Yesterday he told me the good news from police that his car was found in the Maribyrnong. Maribyrnong is located in Southeast radius from his house.
How to know that the stolen car can be found from the Qi Men chart? Black Tortoise is in the Southeast palace which indicates hidden things or theft. Ji represents the asker which located in the Southeast palace as well.
To plot the chart is based on the timing of the question. The Heavenly Stem of the Hour Pillar is Ji which is the same stem as Asker, stolen car can be found. Ji is in the Southeast palace, he can look for the car at Southeast radius from his house. However, Ji is in the external structure, it will take awhile to find the car. But how long? Around 4 months. And the good thing is the palace is not in the emptiness level. As a conclusion, he can get back his car.
People born in Rat year are 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
In the 2020 new year of the Geng Zi, although you are born in the Rat year, and having Grand Duke but it does not always bad luck. Grand Duke star is only represent there are more changes and challenges. Some people cannot accept the changes or confusion will lead them astray.
There are three auspicious stars for people has Rat in Bazi chart, that is, “Golden Lock“, “General Star“, and “Duke’s Arrival”.
Golden Lock is a wealth star. General Star and Duke’s Arrival are good for career and business. With these lucky stars, you are barely ignored by people. This year is the best time for Rats to shine after so many years. Sometimes, we need luck to be seen by superior or customers.
General Star is a symbol of power and leadership. In this Geng Zi year, you are the Grand Duke and General which mean you have to make decisions, and the door of opportunities would be opened for you.
“Grand Duke“, “Hidden Corpse“ and “Sword Edge” are the inauspicious stars for Rats. Grand Duke will make people feel stressful, that’s okay as long as you adjust your mentality and face it calmly. You will easily get cut by metal. Remember to be careful when you driving or using any sharp objects.
People born in Ox year are 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
For people who born in year of Ox or Ox in any pillars of Bazi chart, are enjoying the best luck among others. There are three nobleman stars in Ox sign which are usually rare because usually each star will be in different zodiac signs. Ox is combining with Rat and Rat is Grand Duke in year 2020. “Grand Duke Combination” is very good in people relationships. As Grand Duke is an emperor and you are together with emperor. You will have a lot of opportunities to get in touch with people who have higher positions in the company or bosses.
Another auspicious star is “Heavenly Yi“, noble people will come into your life and assist you. But with one condition that you are ready to receive help. Some people don’t like to get help from others because of doubt or high self-esteem. The “Sun” auspicious star is a male noble people. As long as you thinking what you want, you can manifest a lot of your wishes.
Although there are three inauspicious stars, the positive stars have greatly reduced their bad impact. “Yin Sha” will always make you have negative thoughts on others. “Sky Emptiness” can give you different inspirations, but also pay attention to avoid the dilemma of just exaggerating without action. “Bad Qi” can cause misunderstanding due to lack of communication.
People born in Tiger year are 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
For people who born in Year of Tiger or Tiger in any pillars of Bazi chart, there is only one auspicious star which is “Sky Horse”. Sky Horse star is good to going out to meet people or to travel far to work. Even if you not used to go out too often, it will be great if you can work at new environment or to take a short course. You can work abroad or meet customers to build up network and connection to create opportunities. With Sky Horse, you always have the chance to travel to a different country either sightseeing or working.
There are two inauspicious stars which are “Solitary” and “Funeral Door”. You will feel a bit lonely this year. If you are always love to be yourself or self-centred and not easy to believe in others, you will only become more pessimistic. Try not to be alone, and go out to meet someone who are positive or do something. Even if you are alone, do not try to create emotional turbulence to yourself. As for the romance relationship, it is better for you to spend some time with the other half as this year is easy to cause misunderstanding due to lack of communication.
As for the “Funeral Door“ star will affect the immune system. When you traveling or working in other countries or places have to be careful and also is good to have healthy diet plan.
People born in Rabbit year are 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
As for the people who born in Rabbit year, or Rabbit in any pillars of Bazi chart, even though Rabbit and Rat is in punishment relationship but only a little bit troublesome will happen. This year there is a very good star “Moon”. Noble people come to help, but there are people like to backstab you as well. As long as you handle it properly and consider the consequences in everything, that’s fine. “Moon” can improve your ability to make money and will have a good income. “Moon” is also represent female nobleman. It is recommended to often go out to communicate with different people, try to change to a different environment, you will have different ideas and inspiration.
“Red Matchmaker” star is the best star in the romance relationship. Good news for singles, you will find the one that you willing to spend time with for long term. As for the couples, this is the best time to talk about marriage,
“Advisor” star provides you the chances to meet the mentors that you need in your life. Your mentor guides you and teaches you what you need the skills most and knowledge.
For inauspicious stars, there are “Hook Spirit” and “Piercing Rope”. Everything must be handled with care, including any details to avoid any unnecessary troubles which will affect business or career.
People born in Dragon year are 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
For people who born in Dragon year or Dragon in any pillars of Bazi chart, you will have auspicious stars “Three Stages”, “National Seal” and “Elegant Seal“. The image of Three Stages is a ladder, step-by-step going upwards which represents you will have the opportunity to be promoted by your boss this year. The National Seal represents authority stamp, you will have the increment of income. As for Elegant Seal is a very good star for artists, because it can help you to get more inspiration and creativity. Entrepreneurs or businessmen nowadays also like to see this star. After all, the markets out there are too competitive. Creative ideas are necessary.
In terms of inauspicious stars, there are “Pealing Head, “Five Ghost”, “Yellow Flag”, “Officer Charm“, “Flying Charm”, and “Year Charm”. This year’s auspicious stars are good for Dragon to reduce greatly the impacts of these negative stars. But if you do nothing, or if you are worry about everything, or you always in your corners of the mind, then these inauspicious stars will only be doubled up. When you sign any important contracts or documents, always remember to check thoroughly to avoid missing any details or else you will get troubles in lawsuits. Every successful people will always have someone who are jealous on you and try to pull you down. As long as be yourself and don’t care what other people negative sayings, then is okay.
People born in Snake year are 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
In 2020, for people who born in Snake year or Snake in any pillar of Bazi chart has a good star “Monthly Virtue”, a strong nobleman star. Every problems will be solved with the right nobleman that walks into your life at the right time. It is also a good time to expand your social circle which opportunities come along as well. As for career, your boss will recognise your work value. As for entrepreneurs, you will get existing and new customers support. Even though year 2019 was a clash between pig and snake, there were many instabilities going on. It can be investment not doing well or working conflicts and so on. This year can turn things around. You must first adjust your mindset to embrace better opportunities.
The inauspicious stars are “Death Charm”, “Robbery Sha“, “Broken Star”, “Lesser Consumer” and “Solid Sha“. These inauspicious stars are mainly related to your inner world. If your heart can’t get through the negative thoughts, you can’t even recognise when the opportunities arrived. Don’t let negative people to get around you and to affect you. This year you will be prone to broken items that will cost you money, such as a broken car engine, a leaking roof, or a termite problem. Romance relationships require ongoing attention and commitment for love to flourish. If you do not meet your partner’s needs, someone else will take care for you. Also, if you do not handle the relationship properly, you will end up spend a lot of money e.g. divorce. It is important for you to spend some quality time together with your partner on a regular basis.
People born in Horse year are 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
For people who born in Horse year or if you have Horse in any pillar of Bazi chart, you have a clash into Grand Duke which is Rat. Also, Rat represents water and Horse represents fire, there is a water fire clash. Imagine if you pour water to the fire, it is only going to make the fire much worst. Is clash into Grand Duke always having bad luck? This is not always the case. It is only represents changes and turbulences that force you to move. Sometimes, we need the push to change into better self. As long as you make good use of this force to change instead of misdirect into negative side.
You have one auspicious star “Month Emptiness” this year. Month Emptiness able to dissolve bad and mean intention of others.
As for the inauspicious stars are “Year Breaker“, “Great Consumer“, “Obstacle” and “Sky Cry“. Due to the changes and turbulence this year, moods also fluctuated.
Clash to Grand Duke represents difficulties to do things and not easy to get around. If you think about it in other way, since this method doesn’t work, why not try another method? This is also important for you to be careful in investment. As such you can do more research, and listen to the opinions of different experts. In terms of interpersonal relationships, you might need to be careful in conversations with others in order to avoid offending people. You will spend a lot of money this year, it is better for you to spend wisely, such as buying something that will appreciate in value or education.
People born in Goat year are 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
For people who born in Goat year or Goat in any pillar of Bazi chart, although Goat and Rat is in Harm relationship in term of 5 elements, but compared to Clash relationship, the effect is not so strong. You will only have too many thoughts that are clogging your brain.
You have the best auspicious stars of this year, which are “Emperor Star” and “Dragon Virtue”. Emperor star always guide you to the right person at the right time. There are always different noble people around to give you valuable advice. At the same time, you also need to be positive and make good use of these resources so that you can use the power of auspicious stars. This year you are good at solving different problems and leading everyone. “Jade Hall” and “Earth Relief” auspicious stars will increase your income in wealth luck.
The inauspicious stars include “Sky Sha“, “Brutal Defeat”, “Dark Sky“ and “Six Harms”. These inauspicious stars blind your eyes to the problem, due to inner conflict. To successfully manage your life and your work, you need to get complete control of your ability to focus. Things might not be smooth this year because of your negligence.
If you want to invest your money in speculation or some high-risk investments, you must analyse carefully, otherwise you will only lose money if prices fall instead of rising.
People born in Monkey year are 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
In year 2020, for people born in Monkey year or Monkey in any pillar of your Bazi chart, you will have one auspicious star which is “Official Honour”. You will have the opportunity to be promoted in career and salary pay rise. This is a good year for you to focus and improve internal structure. As such, it is best for you to focus in your career and improve your profession skill. As for the entrepreneurs, this is a good time for you to strengthen your business and internal structure of your organisation. Not recommend to try new field or new challenges as this year is only good to focus on the improvement of internal.
The inauspicious stars are “Back Poking“, “Flying Chaste“, “Sky Warrior“, “White Tiger” and “Great Sha“. In order to keeping a low profile, you shouldn’t caring about how other people do things as some negative people will try to set you up to fail. This year you are prone to injury and danger. High-risk extreme sports are not recommended for you. You will easily encounter women with strong personalities. If she is your boss or customer, it is better for you to control your temper if not it will only affect your business or income.
People born in Rooster year are 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
In 2020, for people who born in Rooster year or any Rooster sign in your Bazi destiny chart, Rooster and Rat are in Destruction relationship in term of 5 elements. It will only bring internal conflict to your relationships with people or your inner heart struggling.
You have very blessing auspicious stars which are “Heavenly Virtue”, “Fortune Virtue“, “Sky Happiness”, and “Prosperity Star“. You are blessing with good fortune and many happy events happening. For singles, you will meet your loved ones. As for marriage relationship will be improved more in depth and more meaningful.
There are inauspicious stars “Salty Pool“, “Goat Blade” and “Curled tongue”. If you only like to have short-term relationship, then “Salty Pool” will be your lucky star. However, this star is not good in an existing romance relationship. However if you make good use of this star and strengthen your relationships in social circle, it is also a good star. Always remember stay clear of your stand if not you will involved in many troublesome issues with opposite sex and causing misunderstanding. Also, the more people you encountered with, sometimes you just can’t avoid to have arguments with certain people. Instead of continue in big fight, the best is to walk away. As long as you’re focus in your life, 2020 will be a fantastic year for you.
People born in Dog year are 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
There are auspicious stars “Eight Seats” and “Relief” for people who born in Dog year or Dog sign in any year, month, day or hour pillar of Bazi destiny chart. If your job or professional nature needs to get people’s attention and popularity, especially in advertising and marketing, you will do very well. As for the entrepreneurs, you can spend more time on promotion and marketing in order to have more potential customers. If you have any particular problems that troubled you some time, this year is great for you to solve the issues. Also, you need to take care your health as well. There will be solutions for your health problem.
As for the inauspicious stars, there are “Sky Dog“, “Funeral Guest“, “Blood Knife”, “Lonesome” and “Leopard Tail”. You need to be careful with your health. If your body keeps giving you the message or signal, it’s time to go to the doctor for a physical examination. If you try to ignore the health issues, Blood Blade star means that you will have internal bleeding. At the same time, you also need to take care the health of the elders. If possible, try to avoid attend funerals. Sometimes, you feel lonely because there is a Lonesome star. You should always look at the good side in all things. If there is any new challenges or problems, and you only know how to complain to the world even though if you have a good star – Relief, it will not going to work.
People born in Pig year are 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
In the year of Rat, for people who born in Pig year or any Pig sign in any year, month, day or hour pillar, you have auspicious star “Intelligence”. Your learning capacity is expanding and able to learn new subject or gain a new skill. It is advisable to take courses that improve your profession skill. This star also suitable for you to take metaphysics related courses. With this Intelligence star, 2020 will be a breakthrough year for you with new insight and new knowledge.
As for inauspicious stars, there are “Death God”, “Lonesome Path” and “Sickness Charm”. This year you tend to forget things easily. However if you have unhappy memories or experiences, forgetfulness is also a good thing. Poor memory can also make it difficult to focus on work or other tasks, make decisions, or think clearly. Having healthy diet and enough sleep can help you in brain memory. Before you make any decision, it is better for you to think twice before any action as you wouldn’t get into any troubles after.
Life’s challenges can result in stress which can lead to feelings of restlessness and anxiety. When you’re feeling stressed, take a step outside and go for a short walk, or simply sit in nature and you will have a new way of thinking. Pay more attention to your health, as there are symptoms of a weak immune system. If your body is giving you warning signs about health and wellness, it will be a good idea to talk to your doctor.